Financial planning is a collaborative process that helps maximize a client’s potential for meeting life goals through sound financial advice that combines real financial data, behavior psychology and relevant personal circumstances.  Lynda Paul has helped over 500 individuals plan for a financially successful retirement. When you want excellence, you can trust Lynda Paul at Sound Money Management.

Our Mission is to restore confidence in the investing community by providing independent and unconflicted advice to our clients; we adhere to the fiduciary standard of care for our clients.

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in our relationship with you, our client. We endeavor to know and understand your financial situation and provide you with only the highest quality information and services to help you reach your goals.

What is the Fiduciary Standard? = "Best interest of the Client" Standard.  Following are the core principles of the authentic fiduciary standard:

  • Put the Client's best interest first
  • Act with prudence; that is with the skill, care, diligence and good judgment of a professional 
  • Do not mislead clients; provide conspicuous, full and fair disclosure of all important facts  
  • Avoid conflicts of interest  
  • Fully disclose and fairly manage, in the client's favor, unavoidable conflicts

Call now for a confidential consultation (210) 467-5113