Investing in your future has never been so complex.  Market and world events have left many investors wondering if they have the right portfolio of investments.  This is why it is more important than ever to have the right team of investment professionals working on your behalf.

We are a full-service independent asset advisory firm committed to helping people pursue their financial goals. We offer a wide range of fee-based financial strategies for individuals and business owners through our special TAMP facilitators. "Fee-based" means we accept no commissions on investment transactions - of any kind, from any source.  We believe you will be better able to identify your goals and make sound decisions to help reach those goals by our providing independent, unbiased financial information. The firm earns revenue by charging a modest fee for Assets Under Management (AUM) and by using a "Fee-for-Advice" model.  Fidelity Investments Wealth Advisory is our third-party custodian.

We have independent investment consultants to help in the investing decision-making process.  We believe the best investment management team includes your Sound Money Management Advisor, Independent Investment Consultants and highly skilled Asset Managers.  The best way to facilitate this team approach is by engaging in a face-to-face advisory relationship with our clients.

We Listen. We Learn. We Advise. Once engaged, we will help develop a customized financial program, and walk you through a step-by-step process that will help you feel confident in your decisions.  

Once your goals have been established, we will customize appropriate strategies to suit your vision and objectives. We can help you execute a sound financial program utilizing various wealth management strategies: 

  • Comprehensive Financial Planning
  • Investment Management
  • Retirement Strategies
  • Strategic Tax Planning 
  • Estate Conservation
  • Wealth Management Strategies
  • Wealth Protection Strategies

Please call (210) 467-5113 to arrange a confidential meeting.  We charge a flat service fee of $450 for all initial 2-hour consultations.  This fee includes 1 year financial coaching at no additional cost via the phone, digital communication or Skype.

Second Opinion Services

If you are interested in a second opinion on your current investment portfolio, we charge a flat fee of $450 for a portfolio analysis.  This fee includes a thorough review of your investments, asset class utilization, investment / brokerage fees, and appropriateness of asset allocation. 

Please call Sound Money Management at (210) 467-5113 to receive our most recent Firm Brochure ( Form ADV Parts 2A and 2B ).